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Unit 8 – MY HOUSE My home
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- Overview
- Activity 8.1
- Activity 8.2
- Activity 8.3
- Activity 8.4
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Thumbs Up An Introduction to New Zealand Sign Language
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Achievement objectives
Curriculum link: levels 1 and 2 of The New Zealand Curriculum
In this unit, your students will describe their homes to others and will ask others about their homes.
Learning outcomes
Students will:
- identify and describe rooms in their homes
- give information about their homes
- ask others questions about their homes.
Success criteria
The assessment criteria are based on the curriculum achievement objectives for learning languages at levels 1 and 2. These criteria measure the students’ ability to communicate in NZSL.
Language knowledge
Real-world orientation indexing and use of space; non-manual markers for "small" and "big"; topic–comment structure
Sentence Patterns
What does your (lounge) look like? [Gloss: YOUR (LOUNGE) LOOK+SAME WHAT; Non-manual signal: whq] | My lounge is small. MY LOUNGE SMALL |
How many toilets in your house? [Gloss: YOUR HOUSE TOILET HOW-MANY; Non-manual signal: whq] | There are two toilets. IX-me HAVE TWO TOILET |
How big is your bedroom? [Gloss: YOUR BEDROOM, BIG SMALL WHICH; Non-manual signal: whq] | My bedroom’s big. MY BEDROOM BIG |
What things do you have in your bedroom? YOUR BEDROOM IX-loc [Gloss: HAVE WHAT; Non-manual signal: whq] | I have a computer in my bedroom. MY BEDROOM IX-loc HAVE COMPUTER |
You do have cool stuff there. IX-you BEDROOM IX-loc HAVE COOL THINGS | Yes, I like my bedroom. [Gloss: IX-me LIKE MY BEDROOM; Non-manual signal: nod] |
Where is the TV? [Gloss: TV WHERE; Non-manual signal: whq] | The TV is in the lounge. LOUNGE IX-loc HAVE TV IX-loc |
Where’s the shower? [Gloss: SHOWER WHERE; Non-manual signal: whq] | The shower is next to the kitchen. KITCHEN IX-loc NEXT-to SHOWER IX-loc |
What’s your favourite colour? [Gloss: YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR WHAT; Non-manual signal: whq] | My favourite colour is red. MY FAVOURITE COLOUR RED |
What colour is your bedroom? [Gloss: YOUR BEDROOM COLOUR WHAT; Non-manual signal: whq] | My bedroom is green and yellow MY BEDROOM IX-loc GREEN YELLOW |
The kitchen is blue and white. KITCHEN IX-loc BLUE WHITE | I like my small green bedroom. IX-me LIKE MY BEDROOM, SMALL GREEN |
Video clips
Clip 8.1a: Rooms, things in the home Vocabulary
Clip 8.1b: Colours Vocabulary
Clip 8.2a: What things do you have in your bedroom? Sentence patterns
Clip 8.2b: What is your favourite colour? Sentence patterns
Activity 8.1 Introducing the vocabulary
Activity 8.2 Describing your home
Activity 8.3 Learning to express colour
Activity 8.4 Communicating about your home
Support material
Worksheet 8.1: Vocabulary for the home Vocabulary
Worksheet 8.2 Vocabulary recognition
Worksheet 8.3 What colour is it?