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Thumbs Up An Introduction to New Zealand Sign Language
Tāhūrangi is the online curriculum hub for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education.
Thumbs Up!
Thumbs Up! An Introduction to New Zealand Sign Language is a communicative language resource designed to help students and teachers express themselves in a new language and communicate with those who use NZSL in their daily lives. It also supports teacher learning.
Learn NZSL! Use NZSL! Enjoy NZSL!
Short introductory video with an interpreter signing "Learn NZSL. Use NZSL. Enjoy NZSL Thumbs Up!"
NZSL and the NZC
New Zealand Sign Language Act 2006
New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) is recognised as an official language of New Zealand through this act and has special mention in The New Zealand Curriculum (2007).
Learning languages in the New Zealand Curriculum
When NZSL is taught as an additional language, it fits within the aims and objectives of NZ Curriculum.
Learning NZSL gives hearing people insight into the NZ Deaf community and enables Deaf people to communicate with hearing people more easily building a more inclusive society. As more New Zealanders learn NZSL, one of our country’s official languages, a distinct Aotearoa New Zealand identity is built.
Navigating this site
Browse the navigation tabs at the top of this page for ready access to units, the video gallery, and classroom resources.
The links on the left hand of this page provide access to information and resources relating to: NZSL, Deaf culture, teaching and learning NZSL, "Thumbs Up!", and additional resources to support teachers.