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Activity 6.1

Activity 6.1

Vocabulary – feelings, needs, wants

The students will learn some vocabulary for expressing feelings, needs, and wants.

Open up a discussion with the students where they can explore and reflect on how people express their feelings, needs, and wants in different cultures through either language or particular behaviours, for example, facial expressions or body positions.

Lead the discussion in ways that avoid stereotypical thinking and descriptions. Focus on particular situations that enable them to make comparisons with practices they use or observe in others. For example, how would they themselves explain, or show, that they are sad, hungry, or tired? How do they know that others are feeling sad, hungry, or tired?

Saying hello and goodbye

As the Deaf community in New Zealand is relatively small and most people in it know each other, members find that they are able to express their feelings and needs to each other more quickly and more openly than if they were meeting for the first time.

A good example of this is hugging. In Deaf culture, it is normal to hug people when saying hello and goodbye whether you know them well or not.

In fact, saying goodbye to everyone at a party consists of up to an hour of hugging and signing to them! Deaf goodbyes are usually drawn out, and not taking time to chat for a few minutes, even in passing, is considered rude.

As they move between, and respond to, different languages and different cultural practices, they [the students] are challenged to consider their own identities and assumptions.

The New Zealand Curriculum (2007) page 24

Learning vocbulary for feelings, needs, and wants

Tell your students that they will learn vocabulary that they can use to express feelings, needs, and wants. Play Clip 6.1a: What do you need?. Ask the students to imitate the vocabulary, using the presenters as their models. Replay the clip several times until the students can reproduce the signs confidently.

On a copy of Worksheet 6.1 blank out the English descriptors beneath the signs. Photocopy the modified worksheet and hand out copies to the students. Tell them to write the English word beneath each sign, using their learning from clip 6.1. Then show them the original worksheet so that they can check and correct their responses.

Now repeat this process with Clip 6.1b: What do you need? and Worksheet 6.2.

Communicating feelings
Tell the students that they will view a dialogue in which people are communicating about feelings, needs, and wants. Play Scene G – Time-out. Ask the students to work out what they can understand from the dialogue using their current knowledge of NZSL, including what they have just learned.

Discuss their understanding. You have the Scene G transcript to help you lead the discussion.

Now replay scene G so that the students can check their own understanding and use the discussion points to understand more of what is being communicated.

Reveiwing what's been learned
Play clip 6.1a and clip 6.1b again to refresh the students’ knowledge of the vocabulary and have them take turns to practise signing the words with a partner to build their signing accuracy and fluency.

Scene G – Time-out

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Name Class Section
Document Worksheet 6.1: Vocab a Worksheet 1
Document Worksheet 6.2: Vocab b Worksheet 1

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