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Activity 3.4

Activity 3.4

Assessing progress

The students will role-play situations in which they ask for and give information about age and phone/text numbers.

These role-played situations can include a range of controlled and creative use of language, depending on the needs and achievements of your learners.

Play Scene C – What's new?. Hand out the Scene C transcript. As you replay the scene, get the students to role-play it along with the presenters in pairs or small groups until they can perform it confidently.

As a variation, ask the students to change some of the dialogue in the scene, or shorten the dialogue so that they do not have to use unfamiliar vocabulary. For example, they could vary particular words without changing the sentence structure, perhaps by changing names, ages, times, and/or putting in telephone/text numbers.

Role play
For an opportunity to use NZSL more creatively, challenge them to make up their own role-play scenarios. Remind them of the learning outcomes for Unit 3 so that they have these as a focus when developing their scripts.

Give the students time to prepare their scripts and practise their role-plays.

Get the students to perform them. Record the role-playing on DVD. Afterwards, play the recording so that they can review their own language use.

Ask the students how they would know that they had achieved the Unit 3 learning outcomes. Discuss their responses in terms of the assessment criteria on Worksheet 10.1: Unit 1 Assessment criteria. Discuss these with the students so that they know how to apply them.

Show the recordings of the role-plays again. Have the students, working in pairs, review both their own and their partners' performances using the Unit 10 assessment criteria. This will enable them to become familiar with the criteria so that they can reflect on them and use them to guide the development of their NZSL skills in communicative contexts.

When students receive immediate feedback on how well they have achieved objectives and their individual differences and needs are taken into account, their motivation for next-steps learning increases.

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