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Activity 2.3

Activity 2.3

Asking for and giving personal information

The students will ask for and give personal information.

Getting started
Play Scene B – Meeting the family. Remind the students they need many opportunities to see people using NZSL in everyday situations.

Communicating with others is much more than just repeating words and numbers or sharing information. It is also about social awareness, for example, showing respect in various ways.

To make the most of the learning opportunity, consider try these.

  • Ask students, “What forms of respect can you identify in scene B?” 
  • Focus on the aspects of the scene that relate to the learning outcomes of Unit 2. 
  • Download the Scene B transcript to guide your viewing and questioning.

After viewing Scene B
The students work on the next task in groups of three or four. They ask each other about their families and respond when others ask them about theirs. As they ask each other questions and receive replies, they note the information carefully so that they can give information about the person to others.

Building vocabulary 
Play Clip 2.1a: Introducing family members and Clip 2.1b: See you again later for them to recall the vocabulary they can use.

Now play Clip 2.2: Family members where they will view how the vocabulary is used in sentences to make meaning. The sentence patterns are included in the Unit 2 overview at the beginning of this unit. Clip 0.4: Positive and negative statements gives more information about making positive and negative statements in NZSL.

You may wish to provide your students with copies of the sentence patterns to support them as they compose information about their families in NZSL and respond to the information that others provide.

Final task
Now ask each group to join another group. Each student, in turn, presents information about one other student to the rest of the group. The group responds by stating what the information is in English to check their comprehension of what is being communicated.

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