The numbers 11–20
The students will learn how to count using the numbers from 11 to 20.
Play Clip 2.1C: Numbers 11 to 20. Have the students copy the handshapes for the numbers 11– 20. Alert them to regional differences in some number signs, for example, the numbers 11 and 12. Examples of these are not included in this resource, apart from two variations for NINE. This resource mainly uses the “thumbs down” sign for NINE. As they develop their NZSL fluency and their contact with Deaf communities, they can adapt their signing to follow the local variant.
Adding variety
To add variety and to develop their recognition and signing fluency, have the students sign by counting in twos or sign the number sequence FROM 20 down to one or another number.
Make a set of number flashcards, with the numeral on one side and its matching sign from Worksheet 2.3 attached to the back. Show the number flashcards in random sequence. The students sign the numbers. Get them to repeat this task working in pairs or groups and using sets of smaller cards.
Using duplicate sets of the flashcards, show a numeral and an illustration of a handshape side by side. If they match, the students nod YES. If they do not match, the students sign NO using the appropriate non-manual signal.
Group activity – Whole class
Get the students to stand in a circle. One student starts by signing the number one. Continuing in a clockwise direction, the next student signs the number two, and so on, until it comes to the turn of the student who is number 10. This student sits down and is out of the game. The next student starts over with number one, and the counting continues around the circle, with every tenth person sitting down. The last person standing is the winner.
Now vary the task by changing the pattern. For example, every person who is number three or a multiple of three has to sit down. The students may suggest other ways to make this activity even more challenging.
Group activity – Team competition
Divide the class into two groups. Give each group a rolled-up newspaper or magazine.
On the board, write the numbers between one and 20 in large lettering and in a random order.
Each group has a leader. You or a student signs one of the numbers, choosing one at random. The leader of each group rushes to the board and swats the number.
The first to swat the correct number is the winner. The swat passes round the group, with every member taking a turn.
The group that collects the most swats is the winning team.