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Unit 18 – PARTY READY Preparing for a party
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Thumbs Up An Introduction to New Zealand Sign Language
Tāhūrangi is the online curriculum hub for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education.
Achievement objectives
Curriculum link: levels 1 and 2 of The New Zealand Curriculum
In this unit, your students will make plans and preparations for a party and show social awareness when interacting with others.
Learning outcomes
Students will:
- respond to and use polite language
- make plans and preparations.
Success criteria
The assessment criteria are based on the curriculum achievement objectives for learning languages at levels 1 and 2. These criteria measure the students’ ability to communicate in NZSL.
Language knowledge
Inflecting verbs; the dual pronouns US-TWO and WE-all; descriptive classifiers
Sentence patterns
My party's on Saturday. Would you like to come? THIS SATURDAY HAVE PARTY, [Gloss: IX-you WANT GO; Non-manual signal: y/n q] | Yes, I'd like to, thanks. [Gloss: IX-me WANT GO; Non-manual signal: nod] THANK-YOU |
What can I bring? [Gloss: IX-me BRING WHAT; Non-manual signal: whq] | Music would be nice. [Gloss: MUSIC GOOD; Non-manual signal: nod] |
You can sleep over. IX-you COME SLEEP | I'll bring my sleeping bag and pillow. [Gloss: IX-me BRING SLEEPING+BAG, PILLOW; Non-manual signal: nod] |
How do I do this? [Gloss: IX-me (action) HOW IX-me; Non-manual signal: whq] | I'll show you how. [Gloss: IX-me SHOW HOW; Non-manual signal: nod] |
Can you cook? [Gloss: IX-you COOK; Non-manual signal: y/n q] | Can you help me, please? HELP-me PLEASE |
Please excuse me. EXCUSE-ME PLEASE | Sorry, it's my fault. SORRY my-FAULT |
It's time to eat. [Gloss: NOW EAT; Non-manual signal: nod] | I'm ready. [Gloss: IX-me READY IX-me; Non-manual signal: nod] |
Video clips
Clip 18.1: Words related to an invitation Vocabulary
Clip 18.2a: Do you want to go to a party? Sentence patterns
Clip 18.2b: Can you please help me? Sentence patterns
Clip 14.1a: Weather words Vocabulary
Clip 14.2a: What will you do today? Sentence patterns
Clip 15.1b: Clothing Vocabulary
Scene N – We're having a party!
Activity 18.1 Introducing vocabulary
Activity 18.2 Preparing for a party
Activity 18.3 Fun at the party
Activity 18.4 Assessing progress
Support material
Worksheet 18.1 Vocabulary (words related to an invitation)
Worksheet 18.2a What do I need to bring? (information to sign)
Worksheet 18.2b What do I need to bring? (writing details)