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Activity 13.2

Activity 13.2

Making and responding to requests

The students will make and respond to requests using appropriate levels of language.

Introducing the activity
Introduce this activity by playing Scene U – Making music. Find out how much the students understand. Hand out copies of the Scene U transcript so that the students can check their understanding.

Play scene U again.

Have the students role-play the scene, practising it enough for them to be communicating confidently. Play the scene several more times so that they have a model to follow.

Have the students perform their role-play of the scene to another group and invite their feedback on how confidently they are expressing themselves in NZSL.

For example, did:

  • they use the script as a prompt?
  • they perform their part in the role-play from memory? d
  • the others understand what they signed?

Whole-class dicussion
Talk to the students about how the language for making requests varies, depending on the relationships between the people involved and the level of formality expected.

Ask your students whether they found examples of requests in scene U. For example, TURN-UP is a request in the form of a command.

An example of a request that may be considered more polite is this:


Ask them whether English or other languages they are familiar with have different styles of language for making requests. For example, how would they make a request to their grandmother (or another elder) as opposed to making a request to a teacher or a friend.

Reviewing previous learning
Play Clip 0.2: Often-used classroom instructions to recall the classroom instructions with the students. You and they may already be using these habitually, but remind them to use as many of the classroom instructions as they can when they engage with the next task.

Practising role-play
Have the students practise role-playing scene U, this time working in groups of six. Have those who are presenting the role-play interact with those watching by using as much of the classroom language as they can. For example, they can give the instruction PLEASE WATCH! as they begin, and they can check on the other students’ understanding of what they have just seen.

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