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Activity 11.4

Activity 11.4

Assessing progress

Pet parade

The students will take part in a pet parade to assess each other’s progress.

Fingerspelling alphabet
First, revise the fingerspelling alphabet with the students.

Show Clip 1.1c: Fingerspelling the alphabet and use Worksheet 1.3: The fingerspelling alphabet if you decide this would be helpful. Give them time to familiarise themselves once more with the finger positions and to practise.

Ask them to prepare a description of a pet that includes fingerspelling its name, for example, Sooty.

Use the Assessment criteria from Unit 10. The following suit the requirements of this task.

The students can:

  • produce information
  • sign well enough for others to understand what they are communicating
  • sign sentences without hesitating too much.

Pet parade presentations
The students present a pet parade. They draw a picture of an animal they wish to have as their pet. The pictures need to be big enough for others to see them. Taking turns, they present their animals. Get them to work in pairs, with one student holding the illustration while the other one gives the description. Then they swap roles. The rest of the class is an attentive audience.

As each presentation is completed, have the students offer an assessment using the criteria listed above. In this way, all the students will receive feedback on the areas they need to strengthen for their next-steps learning.

Role-playing a scene
Play Scene R. Have the students role-play the scene in groups.

Tell them to focus on being able to communicate naturally and easily in NZSL, both receptively and productively, showing appropriate social awareness. This means that they need to use non-manual behaviours to communicate with each other effectively.

Play the scene several times to give them a good model to follow as they develop their communicative skills in NZSL.

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